KNUD E. HANSEN is a Danish-based, leading independent consultancy that has been providing a comprehensive range of design, engineering and project management services to shipyards and ship owners around the world since 1937. Our innovative and customised solutions cover areas ranging from concept and basic design to the building and conversion processes of all types of vessels and offshore structures.
Our approach is based on a sequence of events including the free exchange of ideas with our clients, a drive for continual innovation and years of experience encompassing every kind of vessel. Combining these elements, we apply fresh thinking to each new project, tailoring solutions that are both state-of-the-art and practical while meeting the precise needs of our clients.
Excellence: Award winning ship design recognised by leading industry bodies.
Experience: Over 800 vessels built and more than 400 conversions successfully completed.
Global: An international team of experts with experience on all seven continents.
Solutions: Comprehensive experience covering design, contracting, construction, delivery and through-life services.
Guidance: Independent advice covering contract negotiations, planning, cost-evaluation and review of drawings and specifications.
Dedication: Our consultancy services ensure support throughout the entire lifetime of a vessel.
At KNUD E. HANSEN we search the global maritime industry to find the most experienced and best qualified designers and engineers. The result is a highly diverse, multilingual work environment that is accustomed to different work cultures and ways of doing business. It is this, along with the exceptional quality of our staff, that allows us to work smoothly with an international client base across the many different sectors that make up the global shipping and marine industry.
We employ staff across a wide range of roles, including:
We maintain a balance between senior staff with extensive experience and younger staff keen to push at the boundaries of fast-moving technology, including information technology and composite materials. The majority of our team members are multidisciplinary; either holding qualifications or having experience in more than one specialist area.
Having close links with those professionals that build, maintain and operate vessels is key to our ability to design ships that have long and successful lives. For this reason, we also work with frontline experts such as master mariners, chief engineers, captains, shipbuilders, professional boat builders, navigators, surveyors and professional yachtsmen. Additionally, we have a well-established network of partner companies through which we can muster additional resources and skills, as required.
It is this depth of expertise combined with the latest design and engineering software tools that makes KNUD E. HANSEN a reliable partner, capable of undertaking the most complex projects quickly and comprehensively.
Our project-oriented and flat organisational structure is highly adaptable to the requirements of individual Clients and projects as well as contributing to the stimulating and innovative atmosphere at KNUD E. HANSEN.
Morbi tempor leo nisi, non malesuada nibh aliquam vitae. Nunc laoreet erat nec lacus varius facilisis. Curabitur conse quat hendrerit sapien, vitae viverra quam fermentum nec. Eti am convallis, quam ut finibus varius, turpis risus blandit arcu, et sollicitudin enim diam non neque. Morbi tempor leo nisino malesuada nibh aliquam vitae. Nunc laoreet erat nec lacus varius facilisis. Curabitur consequat hendrerit sapien, vitae vi verra quam fermentum nec.
Etiam convallis, quam ut finibus varius, turpis risus blandit arcu, et sollicitudin enim diam non neque. Curabitur conseq uat hendrerit sapien, vitae viverra quam fermentum nec. Mor bi tempor leo nisino n malesuada nibh aliquam vitae.
Nunc laoreet erat nec lacus varius facilisis. Curabitur conse quat hendrerit sapien, vitae vi verra quam fermentum nec.More than 800 vessels built to our designs
More than 500 hull lines developed and model tested
More than 400 conversions carried out to our designs and specifications
Thousands of surveys, feasibility and R&D studies, onsite supervision and other projects undertaken
Founded on 1. November 1937, the story of KNUD E. HANSEN has in many ways been the story of naval architecture itself over the past 75 years. KNUD E. HANSEN has left its mark on thousands of vessels since it was first founded. The story of KNUD E. HANSEN began in 1900 when Knud Emil Thorvald Henning Hansen was born in Espergærde, near Helsingør. As the son of a ship’s captain, he chose to study naval architecture at the Polyteknisk Læreanstalt in Copenhagen (today Denmark’s Tekniske Universitet or DTU), before going on to gain experience at shipyards in Denmark, the UK and the Netherlands.
It was in this period that Hansen began designing ferries and passenger ships – the sector with which the Hansen name would subsequently become synonymous in the years ahead. Hansen also developed a design philosophy that was deeply rooted in Nordic history. Studying the history and traditions of Scandinavian seafarers down the centuries convinced him that beauty and utility were connected; that a well-designed ship should also be an aesthetically attractive ship. This belief, combined with a dedication to first class engineering, underpinned his approach to naval architecture for the rest of his career.
Morbi tempor leo nisi, non malesuada nibh aliquam vitae. Nunc laoreet erat nec lacus varius facilisis. Curabitur conse quat hendrerit sapien, vitae viverra quam fermentum nec. Eti am convallis, quam ut finibus varius, turpis risus blandit arcu, et sollicitudin enim diam non neque. Morbi tempor leo nisino malesuada nibh aliquam vitae. Nunc laoreet erat nec lacus varius facilisis. Curabitur consequat hendrerit sapien, vitae vi verra quam fermentum nec.
Etiam convallis, quam ut finibus varius, turpis risus blandit arcu, et sollicitudin enim diam non neque. Curabitur conseq uat hendrerit sapien, vitae viverra quam fermentum nec. Mor bi tempor leo nisino n malesuada nibh aliquam vitae.
Nunc laoreet erat nec lacus varius facilisis. Curabitur conse quat hendrerit sapien, vitae vi verra quam fermentum nec.“KNUD E. HANSEN designed a total of 18 ships for my family’s company. We spent countless days discussing our dreams, aspirations and passions. The relationships we developed became so personal that design decisions became automatic.The creativity and talent in KNUD E. HANSEN is boundless. KNUD E. HANSEN provided us with precision, accuracy and consistent quality. We knew we had a reliable design to work on. And, of course, the personal attention was outstanding – we felt we were one big family.”
“KNUD E. HANSEN showed themselves to be very professional and totally dedicated to our project. Our cooperation could not have been better. We started out with one A4 page of specifications and, from this, KNUD E. HANSEN quickly developed the entire yacht.”
“We began to work with KNUD E. HANSEN, when we needed an HVAC specialist for the Queen Elizabeth Class. They performed very well for us and we’ve gone on to work with them on other projects as a result. In particular, KNUD E. HANSEN showed themselves to be incredibly flexible, willing to mobilise as many people as we needed, wherever we needed them to be. I attribute this adaptability to the close-knit, trusting relationships between personnel. The culture at KNUD E. HANSEN ensures total efficiency.”