Comprehensive range of engineering and management services
We provide our clients with a comprehensive range of design, engineering and management services for vessel newbuildings, conversions and refits. Our extensive capabilities and experience enable us to work with you every step of the way, from the earliest stages of Feasibility Studies and Concept Designs, through to Contract Basic.
Regardless of the size of your maritime project, our expertise qualifies us to provide technical advice, engineering support, contract and project management, supervision, survey and other on-site services to assist you whether it involves research, design, construction, testing, operations or optimisation.
We have a team of dedicated junior and senior naval architects who are involved in every stage of design and throughout the lifecycle phases of a vessel. Our proficiency includes all of the principle elements of naval architecture including hydrostatics, hydrodynamics and structural engineering. Our experienced team consists of individuals from all sectors of the marine industry who bring a unique set of skills and capabilities to the drawing table.
We maintain a strong focus on customized solutions for RoRo and RoPax vessels, special purpose vessels such as turbine installation ships, naval vessels and offshore structures. We also provide a steady stream of designs and technical support for container vessels, tankers, yachts and most other types of ships.
Our passion for ships is clearly evident in the clean lines and balanced proportions of our designs. A good design is where form and function meet with minimal complexity. At KNUD E. HANSEN we go the extra mile to achieve harmonious designs that not only perform better, but are vessels you will be proud to have in your fleet.
With our extensive experience with passenger vessels we understand how interiors need to be arranged to maximise flow and comfort. We work with you to ensure that your corporate values and branding are reflected in both interior and exterior design elements.
Let us show you your new vessel
Our talented designers understand the nuances of ship form and interior design and can use all medium from pencil and paper to computer modelling and rendering to bring your design to life. For that extra impact, let us craft a movie showing your future vessel sailing or loading in port. If a picture is worth a thousand words then a movie is surely worth a million.
Nowhere is our dedication to advancing ship design more evident than with our ShipSpace virtual reality visualisation tool.
Welcome to the future
Step aboard your new vessel in amazing detail and realism. When you can experience design as if you were walking about in real life, you can easily use your experience and intuition.
Energy optimisation is recognised as one of the key ways to reduce the environmental impact of shipping and at the same time generate cost savings. At KNUD E. HANSEN we have a range of innovative techniques and state-of-the-art software that evaluate the projected energy usage on newbuildings and the actual usage on existing vessels and identify potential design and operational improvements. Audits, designs, and management plans are tailored specifically for each project to optimise returns. We offer the following services to help clients reach their energy-saving goals.
KNUD E. HANSEN are experts in using engineering simulation tools in marine engineering and naval architecture, allowing us to transform engineering concepts into reality with confidence. We provide a comprehensive range of engineering simulation and analysis services including advanced Finite Element Method (FEM) structure analysis, multi-body dynamic analysis and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis for any type of ship or offshore structure.
KNUD E. HANSEN is a leader in the design and engineering of Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems for maritime and offshore environments.
Our extensive portfolio of HVAC-related projects includes examples from all over the world on vessels of all types and sizes, both newbuild and refit & conversion. Vessels we have worked on include cargo, cruise FPSOs, naval, passenger & RoRo, super yachts, private expedition and offshore supply, rigs and platforms.
We undertake studies to help ensure your business has the information necessary to make the right decisions. These studies include:
Whether you are looking into vessel technology, fuel strategy, emissions abatement, optimizing turn-around or cargo capacity and service speed, we have the expertise and experience to provide you with the answers.
KNUD E. HANSEN has expertise and experience across the whole range of machinery, hull and hotel systems across all ship types. We are able to advise in design, engineering, conversion, optimisation, regulatory compliance and safety, as well as practical operations and training.
Participation in research projects and our portfolio of vessel integrated Safe-Reliable-Efficient systems demonstrates our commitment to fulfilling the requirements of owners operating in today’s market with its emphasis on managing high fuel costs and increasing environmental constraints.
With our in-depth understanding and extensive experience in ship design and the shipbuilding industry, KNUD E HANSEN can provide a comprehensive range of Project Management services to help in your new vessel acquisition, build or refit project. Such services include:
Our experts can provide remote support or on-site support according to your requirements. We have a project oriented, flat organisational structure based on the matrix model which is highly adaptable to the requirements of individual clients and projects.
KNUD E HANSEN provides ship Owners with a clearly defined path to reduce fleet emissions in line with the company goals and net zero emissions by latest 2050. KNUD E HANSEN will be based on know-how, technologies and available fuels in vessel operation area provide the set up required for implement actionable plans.
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