Vessel design by KNUD E. HANSEN
Mail Wanted!!!
Sending and receiving mail by post has been a lifeline for more than a century for those working in remote areas. Polar sailors and expeditioners are no exception to this outlet that prevented them from going berserk on their hazardous journeys at small wages. During the long months at sea, in constant danger, followed by the bitter cold and complete darkness, even the simplest post office in the most remote places relieved the doubt of a safe return. The comfort of sending home letters of love to friends and family with the latest news of your adventures, leaves but anticipation of honor and recognition on your successful return, the light at the end of the tunnel.
The history of the Australian stamps of Danish ships in service for the Australian Antarctic Division dates back to the pioneering 1950’s. In particular, in the time of when establishing permanent stations and more modern research institution’s under the Australian National Antarctic Research Expeditions (ANARE). In the heyday of Danish shipping company J. Lauritzen, Australia depended heavily on the legendary polar supply vessels Kista Dan, Magga Dan, Thala Dan and Nella Dan to conduct polar expeditions, and as a result appeared on a series of postage stamps during this era, as well an on stamps from other countries.
We, as a Danish ship design company, are humbly proud to have contributed to the design of the new series of Australian Antarctica stamps. Images of the majestic RSV Nuyina, as she will appear in the ice of the Antarctica, bringing back the sun and relief of return to civilization for the station crew and expeditioners onboard.

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