07 December 2009
Det nystartede danske firma, SWORC A/S, har udviklet en båd, der er specialiseret i olieopsamling langs kyster og andre lavt vands områder
Da hurtig opsamling af olie efter et olieudslip i kystnære områder er altafgørende for at reducere de negative følger på naturen og dyrelivet, er SWORC konceptet udtænkt som en yderst mobil helhedsløsning, hvor båden opbevares i en 20 fods standard container.
Båden og konceptet er udviklet af erfarne kræfter i den maritime branche og i et tæt samarbejde med skibsdesign firmaet KNUD E. HANSEN i Helsingør.
The newly started Danish firm, SWORC A/S, has developed a unique boat specialized in cleaning up oil spills along the coasts and in shallow areas
As quick recovery of oil after a spill in areas near the coast is crucial for reducing the impact on the environment and wildlife, the SWORC concept is invented as an utmost effective and mobile solution, as the boat is kept in a 20 feet shipping container.
The boat and the concept has been developed by experienced persons within the maritime business in close co-operation with the Ship Design Company KNUD E. HANSEN in Elsinore, Denmark.